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When To Fertilize Your Texas Lawn

When to fertilize your texas lawn

Fertilization is a great way to ensure your plants and lawn can get all the nutrients they need to continue to grow healthy and strong. There are many factors and key variables that come into play when fertilizing your lawn in order to achieve the best results. One of these main factors is having the proper knowledge of when to fertilize your lawn and here in Texas, this is a must to keep your lawn looking healthy and appealing. Overall, you want to make sure you only fertilize during the warmer months. Let’s take a look at when exactly that is and why.

Tips For Fertilizing Texas Lawns

Here in Texas, the grass you’re going to see will mostly be warm-season grasses. Due to our hot climate, these types of grasses include St. Augustine grass, Bermuda grass, and Zoysia grass. The process of fertilizing is pretty simple and straightforward, but there are certain distinctions to be made when considering the timing it is completed for best results. Let’s start with when not to fertilize:

  • You shouldn’t apply high nitrogen fertilizer until your grass has greened. Then you can apply fertilizer nutrients that promote the health and development of the grass and its root system.
  • However, doing this in the early spring without weed control or a pre-emergent allows weeds and other invasive plants the opportunity to snatch up viable nutrients, which is never good.
  • Waiting until late autumn or early winter is also a bad time to fertilize. This is because this is almost the point of the year where your lawn starts to stop growing for its winter dormancy period. Lastly, choosing to fertilize in the winter doesn’t make much sense since your grass is in total hibernation. You would only be feeding cool-season weeds which causes more problems for you in regards to weed control.

Prime Texas Lawn Fertilization Times

Now, speaking of the best times to fertilize, this would be in:

  • Early spring
  • Late spring
  • Summer
  • Early fall

These times of the year will provide you with the best results. In the spring, your grass enters its most active growing phase. Adding fertilizer to the equation generates a boost in overall growth. This makes your grass stronger at the beginning of its growth cycle, and it has a lot easier time enduring the hotter months of summer. Lawn fertilization in the summer contributes to this growth boost and helps to maintain a strong healthy lawn. However, just because you may have missed the spring fertilization season, this doesn’t mean you won’t see some added benefits in health and growth by starting this process in the summer. Be sure to follow up on fertilizer applications in early fall. This helps the grass recover from the summer heat, stress, and damage. It also prepares your lawn for seasons of dormancy. Once you know when to fertilize your lawn, you’ll need to figure out how often to fertilize your lawn next.

Consult With Chorbie About Lawn Fertilization Today

All in all, a healthy fertilizer will have your back when it comes to lawn maintenance and lawn care. Picking the right lawn fertilizer for your grass type, and knowing when to do applications can be made easy with our professional assistance. Chorbie has experts specialized in helping homeowners achieve the lawns they desire through fertilizing. Contact our team today for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

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