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The Best Flowers To Plant In The Summer

The best flowers to plant in the summer

Now that summer is fully upon us, that means we will be saying hello to long hot days followed by seasonal bright and beautiful flowers. Having a colorful and inviting garden, filled with the perfect flowers will make any home as eye-catching as they come. As a homeowner, knowing which flowers to plant in the summer can make raising and managing them much easier for you. You don’t have to go through any additional hassle when you know what flowers are best to plant in the summer.

Best Flowers For Your Summer Garden

There is a magnitude of summer flowers for you to plant that are low maintenance, as well as unique. Let’s go over some of the most popular choices. First of all, you should note that annual flowers grow throughout the year, and then need to be planted again. In addition, perennial flowers regrow every year during the early spring season.
Annuals that we recommend that also fall in line with our color brochure are:

  • Begonia (green and bronze leaf)
  • Periwinkles/ Vinca
  • Pentas
  • Lantana
  • Coleus (sun and shade)
  • Caladium (sun and shade)
  • Impatiens (shade)
  • Lantana


Another wonderful choice for your property is Marigolds. These annual flowers can be hard to find amongst many homes but are very cheerful and bright in color. It’s important to know Marigolds tend to grow better in containers. These flowers don’t seem to grow as great when planted in the ground. We usually recommend the Lantana to keep a similar color palette. These types of flowers require a lot of sunshine and don’t need as much maintenance to bloom in a healthy state.


You’ve probably also seen gardens filled with rich lavender flowers called: Aster flowers. These are definitely one of the most popular choices among homeowners. These are from a family of flowers that include Daisies, Sunflowers, and more. However, a few plants may have Aster in their name, such as a Fall Aster. These come in beautiful colors such as pink and white. This perennial type of flower is capable of withstanding the high heat in the full sun, and they add a great touch to any garden.


Zinnia flowers are another type of flower that can really spruce up the color of your garden with great ease. More specifically the profusion Zinnia, as older varieties are often problematic in nature. They commonly attract bugs like butterflies to keep your garden company and add that extra serene look. Just like most other summer flowers, this type does best in full sunshine and is an annual flower.

Black-Eyed Susan

Next up, is one of the most widely popular flowers found in gardens, the black-eyed Susan. A Black-eyed Susan is a perennial, however, it stops flowering early in the season. We might also suggest you take a look at the Salvia Greggii, Victoria Blue Sage, Mexican Petunia, or Calylophus/Texas Primrose for more perennials. They bloom all season and are very tough. We plant a ton of these ourselves every summer. This particular flower is great to plant in early summer as it’s always very welcoming. They also make a great cut flower to add to any bouquet. These flowers are tough, grow well in a lot of sunshine, and get along with most any flower out there, while still being annual and perennial.

Classic Hibiscus

Lastly, there is the classic hibiscus flower that is most often noticeable by its tropical and large look. There are two kinds of Hibiscus flowers, the tropical hibiscus is an annual, and the Hardy Hibiscus is a perennial. Hardy hibiscuses need plenty of space and can get really big. They should be treated more like a shrub than a flower.
These do need a bit of space and plenty of water to really grow and thrive, but that can be easily managed with routine care. You can’t go wrong with this flower, as it brings a rarer look than others can. It’s also a perennial flower.

Consult With The Experts

Summer is one of the best times of the year to really show off your home and landscape. Why not do so by having a garden full of flowers in a varying range of colors and sizes? Giving time and attention to your garden and landscape also gives back to you with its attractive appearance and soothing environment. Let Chorbie assist you in finding the perfect combination of flowers for your summer garden. Give our friendly team a call today!

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