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Can You Mow Your Lawn After Fertilizing?

Can You Mow Your Lawn After Fertilizing?

Fertilizer is an important tool for any homeowner looking to achieve a vibrant, green, and healthy lawn. Applying the right kind of fertilizer can help maintain strong grass growth across the entire yard and protect it against weeds. However, in order to reap all of these rewards, you must follow a few promising practices for fertilizer application. One of them being, can you mow your lawn after fertilizing?

Applying A Lawn Fertilizer

Determining the best next steps to care for your newly fertilized lawn largely depends on the type used and how it is applied..

  • Liquid Fertilizer: While liquid fertilizers are an option, these should never be applied on top of grass during its growing season. When applied, it must be watered immediately to prevent the nitrogen from injuring the grass. For most lawns, liquid fertilizer is unnecessary, as it is best reserved for particularly large areas like golf courses.
  • Granular Fertilizer: Granular fertilizer is the best choice for most standard lawns. This fertilizer is dispersed with the aid of a spreader or by hand. This gives you the ability to see exactly where it is applied. Afterward, these areas should be watered in order to push fertilizer to the soil and prevent it from sticking to the grass blades.

How Long After Fertilizing Should You Mow?

Once fertilizer has been applied, the question of when it is okay to mow becomes a common one. After all, you don’t want to compromise all your hard work by mowing too soon. Many believe that suction from a mower will disturb the newly applied granules, negating all their effort. In reality, this is not how a mower functions. As the blades of your lawnmower spin, they create a wind effect that pulls grass upright, allowing it to cut. The sheared blades of grass then fall back to the ground, exit to a catch, or are blown out the side of the mower. Because there is no suction, the likelihood of disrupting fertilizer, even when granules have not yet been pushed into the soil by water, is very low. Furthermore, the grass clipping left behind serve as mulch barriers for the newly applied nutrients, essentially complementing your fertilizer. The most recommended option is to wait at least 48 hours to mow your lawn after fertilizing.

Let The Experts Help

There are few steps you can take that are as beneficial to your lawn as fertilizer application and proper mowing. In addition to these practices, lawn care experts like those at Chorbie can help. Our team of pros knows all the science and timing behind these complicated processes. We are here to help ensure you are taking all the right steps to achieve a healthy lawn. Get started by contacting a member of our Chorbie team today.

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