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Rodent Control For The Fall

Rodent Control For The Fall

Rodents are a possibility this fall as temperatures begin to drop in the DFW, and homeowners are seeking ways to stop these creatures from coming indoors. This time of year brings these small pests out because they seek the warmth, shelter, and source of food your home can provide. Knowing how to spot signs of rodents is essential if you are going to competently prevent them from trespassing into your home. Read on to discover how homeowner’s like you can practice effective rodent control.

Rodent Control In The DFW And Fall

Homeowners can be left with a huge burden if rodents go unhandled. They bring disease and disruption to the enjoyment of your home, so don’t let them take hold easily. Let’s break down exactly how you can protect your home against rodents this fall.

The Signs Of Rodents

  • First, noticing the signs of mice and rats is important since these will be easier to spot than the very sly, sneaky pests themselves. Look in crevices and around small entry points in your home for droppings, gnawing damage, mouse tracks, or even dead mice. Other signs can be the smell of urine, signs of urine stains, or even grease stains. Once you find the signs or have an inspection confirming rodent infestation, act immediately.

Action, Prevention, Rodent-Free!

  • Contact a professional pest control expert to assist you in dealing with mice or rats. Doing so will make it easier for you to see if you are dealing with rats or mice, and to identify the right solution. Prevention is always advised, so keeping a clean house is the best defense you can use to ward off a rodent problem.
  • Some of the best ways are keeping pet food in tight containers, raking leaves, and covering burrow openings in your yard. Look for other ways to keep things clean, and check for openings in your doorways or around utility lines as well as drainage pipes. (Mice can squeeze through a dime-sized hole, whereas rats can fit in holes the size of a quarter.) You can caulk these holes DIY-style to keep the critters out.
  • Lastly, set out traps and bait to keep rodents from running freely in your home before professional treatment. In doing so, know that rats and mice tend to stay close to walls unless they get curious, so use this to your advantage while placing your straps. It will better your odds of stopping them in their tracks.

How Chorbie Can Help With Rodent Control

Don’t let unwanted pests and rodents live rent-free in your home this fall. Additionally, don’t give them the satisfaction of disturbing your enjoyment or peace. You’re not alone in the struggle with pest management as a homeowner because here in the DFW, Chorbie has your back. We are professional in-home services that make it easy for homeowners to stay pest-free and enjoy well-groomed outdoors through a full suite of services. Contact us today to get more information about how we can equip you and your home to stay pest-free.

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